Friday 11 January 2013


By Wilhelmine Wachter

I am the whispering color of life
Soft echoes of pain and joy reverberate in my being, lush and full, I overflow,
Glory dripping like an elixir of life
I am the feeling of life, the intoxicating aroma of existence
I am the shuddering comfort to the life I created
The same life that looks at me, but doesn’t see me
Lovingly I caress and wrap warm fingers around envious throats
Still and suffocating
I am the past. I am the future. The scorned beauty of the earth.
My soul is a fiery ball of passion.
I am the sound of a melody written to curb your dark desire.
Rich notes rise from sweaty palms
I am the bitter taste of guilt, the sighing sorrow of innocence.
I am weak in the face of death, silenced by the hunger of my designs.
I wilt and fade, reaching dying fingers to envelope and overwhelm.
For I am life itself. Powerful beyond measure. Weak beyond doubt.

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