Wednesday 2 July 2014

Song of the Lioness ©

In the growing light of dawn she stands on the edge of a magnificent river,
 A silhouette of calmness as she peruses her horizon,
She has traveled far,
From the cold depths of winter, through the hot roils of summer,
Her history is partly written in the sands of the Sphinx,
The obsidian that tore her innocence away,
She struggled through the wilderness, crouched in darkness,
Moving with the shadows,
But drawn and guided by the sun by day,
She broke to the periphery of the thicket,
Walking along the edge of her salvation,
She felt the dawn before the light,
But memory was cruel,
For though she had arrived, her eyes did not see what was before her,
The Artists hands that molded her in her journey,
The Maker of her destiny,
He knew her legacy,
He took the smallest point of light and transformed it into sight,
And now, here she stands, in that very spot,
At the edge of a magnificent river, perusing her horizon,
She’s looking across the Jordan,
And she finally sees the promise before her,
She smiles
And from within her, she begins to purr,
A voice that matures into a rumble,
It is not a mere outburst of sound, but a graduated performance,
She knows who she is, she knows her path has led her here,
And all she has gained is rightly hers
So when she throws her head back and lets it go,
Her roar rolls like thunder
Her voice is a fearless proclamation of protection,
She lives what is within her out loud,
And all the intangibles of faith, hope and love
Become tangible when she sings,
Her voice resonates with the dominion given to her by her Creator,
And reverberates in many an echo in the far distance,
She knows the light that guides her will forever soothe her inner kitty,
He has made her an heiress,
A majestic beauty beheld in her graceful walk,
The dignified look of strength and courage in her eyes,
Do not mistake her meekness for weakness,
For it is absolute power, under perfect control
It is tempered strength and poised might,
There will be no mistaking her incredible beauty and her fierce valor,
For she knows where she has come from,
And she has used it as a stepping stone to where she is going,
Her Maker has fashioned a stunning legacy,
And within her His Spirit is unleashed,
She is the pinnacle of hunting prowess and her roar is an exulting cry,
For hers is a song of freedom,
A lioness arising to the Promised Land,
And she dares to realize all she was created to be.
-Wilhelmine Wachter-