Friday 13 March 2015

Dark deep space (drifting)

The closest of stars
 is but a wick of a candle in its dying glow. 
As I float aimlessly
 in the abyss of cruel thoughts 
that mercilessly attack my tormented mind.

Shades of disturbia
 that flicker in the distance
 as the glow of that star loosens its grip 
on my suspended soul. 
That star, that once was a supernova.

Drifting away in a new realization
of a new gravitational centre to which I’m drawn
and constantly orbit
 in this mix of matter and or anti matter
 I am not aware 
as I seem to have lost consciousness
 in my constant drifting.  

 Orbiting around an unseen cosmic body
 its fabric sheer pain. 
Pain that freezes my face and cracks my lips,
numbs my soul and mortifies my mind. 
As I drift my legs bent at an angle 
and my arms in a perfect pose and balance.
Drifting into some dark comer of the universe.

This feeling i posses like a desperate electron,
wanting, yearning 
to be excited to a higher energy shell. 
To escape this orbit 
and the constant bombardment 
of harsh memories or just 'thoughts'. 

That star that has turned into a black hole 
that the light of what used to be has failed to escape.
Still i drift. 
Towards this invisible cosmic body 
whose fabric mortifies me.
Have i lost to gain, 
my soul leaving a trail of dark matter 
or anti matter i do not know. 

My breath is slow 
and suddenly a gasp of air 
and what seems to be a ray of light. 
Its gravity more powerful, 
Than these tentacles of shadows that linger

My trajectory shifted
that light pulling me in. 
Maybe its just another passing comet
or is it that star 
that was but a wick of a candle in its dying glow 
coming to life?