God is the sustainer of our simcha(joy) and how faithful He is!
Joyful and grateful I am for all that Hashem has done, truly there is no God like our God!
A God who is good and kind and whose loving kindness endures forever.
A God in whom we find refuge and strength and blessing! The LORD our portion, the LORD our inheritance, who quakes the mountains and fills the valleys.
Who shepherds the constellations and gives food to the raven. The merciful God, slow to anger and abounding in love.
Our God- the LORD our confidence, the LORD our crown!
He alone is worthy of our praise, for to Him(awesome and eternal) belongs glory and honour, the power, the splendour, the majesty, the dominion and the Kingdom, both now and forever and ever!
To the Eternal Father, The Sovereign KING- Melech hamelachim (King of kings)- Adoni haadonim (Lord of lords)- who is faithful and true!
In Yeshua our King's name, Amen and Amen.
-Written by McNorris Hakata-
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