Friday 24 July 2015


The LORD is an anchor unto my soul,
His righteous right hand is upon me
From the depths of despair to the heights of joy
His glorious face shines on me
Even in the midst of darkness to the purest of His light
He awakens my soul, He stirs my spirit within me
When storms rage and waters rise
The fiercest of tempests is but a sigh to Him,
He is with me and I abide under His wing
He is my shelter and my fortress beyond the break of dawn
When hopes scatter and dreams fall
His living spirit saturates me from center to circumference
The God who gives and the God who takes away,
But the God who is all-knowing , all-seeing and all-powerful
The God who works all things for my good

He has dealt to me the measure of faith
In Him I find repose, I still my soul
He unravels the wind and calms the waves,
He envelopes me in His song
A song of grace, a symphony of the fiercest, purest love
Wrapping around my soul
The great Comforter, the God of peace
He unravels the wind and calms the waves
A breathing sigh in all creation,
One song of praise to Him, Adonai
The bow of nature, the bow of man
Let everything that has breath praise Him,
He has adopted me to royalty
In Him I am more than a conqueror, more than an heir
For I am His, and He is mine
He has ransomed me, and He calls me by name
Let all that I am yield to You, oh LORD
My God in whom I trust.  

Written By Wilhelmine Wachter

2Chr 20:21
Give thanks (yadah) to the Lord, for his loving kindness is everlasting.
Ps 63:1
So I will bless thee as long as I live; I will (yadah) lift up my hands in thy name.
Ps 107:15
Oh that men would praise (yadah) the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men.